Trading Fees Explained

Buy Trading Fees:

3.0% - LP 3.0% - LIF 1.0% - NART token buyback 4.0% - Treasury 2.5% - Burn 1.5% - Dev Fund

In total 15.0%

Sell Trading Fees:

4.0% - LP 3.5% - LIF 4.0% - Treasury 1.0% - NART token buyback 2.5% - Dev Fund 3.0% - Burn 2.0% - NFT Fund

In total 20.0%


  • LP - Trading fees support the liquidity of the LEAF/USDC.e pair on TraderJoe, ensuring that the collateral value of $LEAF continues to rise.

  • LIF - Trading fees are stored in the LIF, which helps to sustain and back the positive reflection rewards.

  • Treasury - Trading fees go directly to the Treasury, which supports the LIF and provides LEAF with a marketing budget as well as funds for new product development.

  • BURN (Burn) - 5.5% of all $LEAF traded are sent to the BURN. Because $LEAF tokens will never be able to leave the BURN, they must be considered burned. The more that is traded, the more $LEAF get put into the BURN causing it to grow in size, through self fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing the circulating supply and keeping the Leaf protocol stable.

  • NFT Fund - Receives 4.0% of all $LEAF sold, which is then shared equally among Dark Forest DEER NFT holders.

Last updated