How Does Leaf Reflection Protocol Work?

The Leaf Reflection Protocol feature is a simple yet cutting-edge Buy-Hold-Earn function that provides $LEAF holders with the ultimate ease of use.

Buy-Hold-Earn - Simply by purchasing and holding the $LEAF token in your wallet, you will receive reflection rewards in the form of interest payments. Every 15 minutes, your tokens will increase. Reflection Rewards are calculated on every Rebase event (every 15 minutes), which is referred to as 'LIGHT-YEAR' in the LEAF protocol

Leaf's Positive Reflection formula allows token distribution to be paid directly proportional to LIGHT-YEAR reflection rewards, worth 0.02355 percent of the total amount of $LEAF tokens held in your wallet every 15-minute period. All $LEAF holders receive reflection rewards on each LIGHT-YEAR (15 minute period).

This means that $LEAF holders will earn up to 682,500% annual compound interest in Year 1 without having to move their tokens from their wallet. After the first 12 months, the interest reflection rate is reduced.

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